About 2 million high school students in the United States graduate and then enter college each year. If you’re one of this batch, the summer could mean it’s time to wrap up preparations. If you’re unsure where to start, here are four things to do the summer before college.

1. Connect with your favorite people.


Depending on your program, going to college will take you away from your favorite people for about four to seven years. Therefore, connecting with close friends before setting off might mean the world to them and you. You can all travel together to fun destinations or hang out in the local area. Alternatively, you can invite friends and family to help you explore the new location you’ll be studying at. For example, if your college is in New Jersey or its surrounding area, try to book a New Jersey hotel. A quick Google query can bring up several options, but it’s essential to be more specific with your search. Searching for “hotels in the New Brunswick, NJ area” can be a more specific way of assessing top hotels in the New Brunswick area for your final choice. You can visit historical sites in your school and review student services to help you determine the right fit.

2. Seek college counseling.

Getting into the right school with a high test score does half the job. Keeping up with tight admission schedules and schoolwork to ensure a smooth college stay is another half. The latter is often hard. Over 14 million students drop out of college each year, with one common reason being disinterest in their courses. Therefore, enlisting a college admissions advisor to help you every step of the way through the admissions process is a good idea.

Various colleges in the United States have their own admissions standards and application processes. Nevertheless, college admission advisors are vital in ensuring prospective students find the best fit for their educational goals. College admissions consultants can help with your student essays as you transition from your alma mater to your dream college. They can also assess your strengths and weaknesses and help determine the perfect set of extracurricular activities to aid your personal growth in school. Admissions counseling can also be an unending process of consistent encouragement as school workload increases.

3. Go on a shopping spree.


What better way to start college than spoiling yourself a little? There are many essentials you may need in facilitating your college aspirations, and as most college dorms only provide basic things students may need like chairs and desks, a good shopping spree is vital. Before shopping, ensure you know what your dream school doesn’t provide. With this information, you can make a shopping list that doesn’t end up duplicating and cluttering your room. Beyond all the stylish clothes and other provisions, it’s essential to include stationery in your shopping plans. Double up the stash on things like pens and sticky notes.

As your deadline inches closer, your nerves may start to rack. So, you can use shopping as a form of emotional cleansing, touching base with your new reality. Shopping can be therapeutic if done well. In this case, you can tag-team with your student friends from your alma mater who may be attending different institutions so you can all lighten the load.

4. Run a background check.

The more you know about your school, the less frustrating the entire process can be. Therefore, performing an ideal background check before your first day at school can be a good idea. Start with checking your college’s website for college clubs and activities. No doubt, knowing your school’s history and alumni, especially for your study plan, is important.

Generally, the summer comes with a double feeling for students: excitement and fear for this new journey. Preparing adequately through pre-college activities can be a great way to ease yourself and transition smoothly into college.