As a fervent reader, there is no doubt that confronting the sheer amount of books to read can be overwhelming. You may find yourself lost among countless titles that you want to read but can’t seem to find the right order. You may ask: Should it be by genre? By author popularity? By publication date? All these queries lead to the necessity of curation to help differentiate between the mountainous pile of to-be-read (TBR) books. This article will guide you on how to prioritize, order, and manage your TBR list effectively.

Identify Your Preferences


Firstly, it is crucial to identify what you enjoy reading. Genres vary significantly from person to person. Some delight in mystery novels, while others prefer fantasy adventures. How are we to decide what should take precedence? The rule of thumb here is simple. Reading should bring joy. It is not a task or obligation. If you find yourself gravitating toward a particular genre or author, make that the starting point in curating your list.

There is a multitude of series to consider; for instance, reading the Joe Pickett books in order is a great idea for any mystery and suspense enthusiast. The Joe Pickett series was written by C.J. Box and it has become a favorite of many people. If you’re a fan of crime fiction, mystery, and adventure, the Joe Pickett books are a must-read. This series offers a perfect blend of well-drawn characters, thrilling plots, and a rich setting that will transport you into a world of suspenseful and captivating storytelling. You won’t regret adding them to your to-be-read list.

Focusing on your preferences also involves identifying the types of writing that resonate with you. Are you inclined toward character-driven stories or plot-focused narratives? Answering this question can guide you in choosing which book to read next. Compare two books you have in mind and determine which one better suits your literary appetite. For instance, if you prefer character development, then maybe a lengthy saga might be apt. If a tightly-knit plot is what envelopes your interest, then a riveting thriller should be your next pick.

Research the Books You Want to Read

After you’ve pinned down your preferences, it’s time to go out (or online) and start exploring your options. Read reviews from credible sources, ask for recommendations from friends, or check out book clubs for their monthly picks. Go beyond the book’s blurb; try to get a broader sense of the plot, characters, and the writer’s style. Familiarize yourself with the work’s context, historical or otherwise–it aids in understanding and appreciating the depth of the book. You can also look at what books others are reading to find new options.

As you research, keep an open mind. While the safe bet is to stick with authors or genres you know, there’s a vast world of literature out there to explore. Don’t be afraid to venture into unfamiliar territory. Going out of your comfort zone can lead you to find some hidden gems, maybe an underrated author with an intriguing style, or a newly released debut that is creating a buzz. Look at recommendations online and see if any of them inspire you.

Set Your Reading Goals


Part of curating and managing a TBR list is setting achievable reading goals. These goals can be as simple as reading a certain number of books per month or per year. However, these goals can also be more specific. For instance, you might aim to read more books by authors from certain regions or books written in diverse genres. Every reader’s goals will be as unique as their reading tastes hence, molded to fit their preferences and abilities, but there’s no doubt that they will help you reap the benefits of regular reading.

Setting goals has multiple benefits. It gives you a clear direction – you know what you want to achieve and can track your progress. Beyond that, it can push you out of your comfort zone, exposing you to new authors, genres, and perspectives that you might not have explored otherwise. It also provides a sense of achievement. Every goal achieved is a milestone in your reading journey, one that deserves to be celebrated.

While setting goals, be realistic. The objective of setting a reading goal should not be to read as many books as possible, but rather to enjoy and gain something from the reading experience. If you set the bar too high, you might end up stressing about meeting your goal rather than taking pleasure in the books you are reading. Thus, be mindful of your own pace and capacity while deciding upon your reading goals.

Turn It into a Habit

Your To-Be-Read list can extend indefinitely if you do not incorporate reading into your daily routine. Developing reading as a habit ensures you are consistently cutting down your book stack whilst enriching your day with literary pleasure. Making time to read daily can seem daunting initially, but it’s all about finding those little pockets of time. It could be in the morning with your coffee, during your lunch break, or right before bed. A little bit every day goes a long way.

Reading doesn’t just need to be confined to physical books, either. The digital age presents various mediums – eBooks, audiobooks, and online literature, among others – that can all contribute to your reading habit. Audiobooks, for example, can be a perfect choice when you’re commuting or doing other tasks. They allow you to enjoy stories without having to focus your eyes on a page or screen, thus turning seemingly ‘wasted’ time into productive reading time. Similarly, eBooks grant the luxury of carrying hundreds of books in one small device, making it feasible for frequent travelers or those who like to switch between multiple books.

Share Your Reading Journey


Sharing your reading journey with others can be an enriching experience. It not only allows you to exchange thoughts and insights about the books you’re reading but also exposes you to a wide array of perspectives and recommendations from your fellow readers. Book clubs are a popular avenue for such purposes. They foster a collective reading culture where individuals can share their reflections, interpretations, or critique about a shared book. It stimulates a lively discussion and can often deepen your understanding and appreciation of the work.

Blogs, social media, or online forums also serve as platforms for readers to share their experiences, reviews, and recommendations. Here you can connect with a global reading community, gaining insights about different literary cultures, genres, and titles. It’s beneficially reciprocal as you can share your TBR and reading feedback while also gathering advice or pointers for your future reading endeavors.

However, remember that every reader’s journey is subjective. Diverse readers will have different takes on the same book. An overrated title for one could be an underdog favorite for others. Therefore, while sharing and receiving feedback, bear in mind that what matters most is your individual relationship with the book. Keep yourself open to opposing viewpoints but don’t feel compelled to align your experiences or preferences with the majority.

As you can see, curating the perfect TBR list is a personal journey. It’s about understanding your preferences, setting achievable goals, developing and maintaining a reading habit, and opening up to the possibility of discovering new literary worlds. A well-curated TBR list will not only enhance your reading experience but will also contribute to your personal growth and development, making reading a pleasurable adventure rather than a daunting task.